We provide technical consultancy, assessing the needs of each project to provide the ideal solution, both standard and customised, in the shortest possible time.
We provide the following comprehensive services:
- Configuración a medida, montaje y testeo de sistemas
- Desarrollo de hardware y software específico para plataformas embedded
- Soporte Windows, Linux y Sistemas Operativos en Tiempo Real
- Congelado de versiones hardware / BIOS / firmware
- Gestión del ciclo de vida y obsolescencia de sistemas
- Gestión de certificaciones UL, CE, FCC, EN60601, IEC13485, ATEX, etc.
- Gestión de certificaciones de transporte eMark, EN60601, EN50155, EN45545, etc.
- Gestión de certificaciones militares MIL-STD 461, MIL-STD 810, RTCA/DO-160, DO-254 (hardware) y DO-178 (Software), Aviónica DAL A ~ E, etc.
- Diseño y adaptaciones mecánicas
Our service and customer satisfaction are the focus of our culture and our daily operations. The quality of our services has been officially endorsed by several certification bodies such as IQNet and AENOR, with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, and Cepyme, an organisation that has selected us in 2020 as a CEPYME500 Company figuring among the top 500 companies leaders in business growth, both for our results and ability to generate added value, employment, innovation and international projection.

IQNET Management System Certified
IQNet is an international certification body, which brings together more than 30 leading certification organisations from different countries.
ISO 9001
ISO 9001: developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation, determines the requirements for a Quality Management System.
ISO 14001
ISO 14001: developed by the International Organisation for Standardisation, determines the requirements for a Environmental Management System.
CEPYME500 Company
In 2020, Cepyme selected us as a CEPYME500 Company within the group of 500 companies that lead business growth in Spain, both for the results obtained in recent years and for the capacity to generate activity and employment, innovation potential and international projection.