Productos > Ethernet Switch & Router > Switch Defensa, Aviónica y Aeroespacial

Switch Defensa, Aviónica y Aeroespacial

Sector: Defensa


Tamaño: 220mm x 155mm x 98mm

Peso: 3 Kg.

Router Switch Militar de hasta 28 puertos de Alta Disponibilidad

Switch gestionado COTS L2 / L3 potente, abierto y flexible con capacidades de Edge-computing orientado a gestionar las comunicaciones en tiempo real de vehículos militares con poco espacio disponible y que requieren el mayor grado de robustez posible.

HSR/PRP (High-availability Seamless Redundancy & Parallel Redundancy Protocol)
TSN (Time-Sensitive Network): Sincronización y Redundancia basada en IEEE1588
PTP: Precise Time Protocol (Transparent Clock, Ordinary Clock and Boundary Clock)

Variedad de combinaciones de fuentes de alimentación AC/DC, tanto estándar como duales y/o redundantes que otorgan versatilidad

Testado y Certificado por laboratorios independientes:

Tecnologías Clave

Alta Disponibilidad

HSR + PRP para “zero-delay” en misiones críticas.


Máximo nivel de seguridad multinivel.


Chasis IP66 de 1ª clase MIL-STD-810 & MIL-STD-461. Diferentes opciones de alimentación MIL-STD-704 AC/DC.


4x ARM Cortex-A53, 2x ARM Cortex-R5 de doble núcleo, 1x GPU Mali-400 MP2 y 1x FPGA Xilinx Ultrascale de gama alta. 32Gb DDR4


PTP (IEEE 1588-2008) Transparent/Ordinary/Master/Bondary Clock.

Conectividad múltiple

Cobre y fibra con hasta 24x 1Gb y 6x 10Gb Ethernet.

SW & HW customizable

CPU multicore de vanguardia con FPGA para albergar diferentes aplicaciones de usuario.

Modelos disponibles



In the modern battlefield, embedded edge systems are used to collect, analyse and communicate data from the field in real-time, driving a need for deterministic network protocols.

Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) is the new generation Ethernet that allows merging in the same network hard real-time, soft real-time and best effort traffic.

This technology ensures the timely delivery of messages, and the interoperability of all the devices on a deterministic Ethernet network, to meet the needs of applications such as radar, electronic warfare, signals intelligence or weapons control systems, that have extremely tight latency constraints.

RelyUm Rugged offers a comprehensive range of COTS switches and endpoint switches to cover the requirements of these mission-critical applications.



Modern warfare systems demand modular, open and scalable architectures, to evolve with the latest technologies as they come to the market. In addition, speed is critical in defence applications, whether it is the response time of soldiers in the field or the speed at which information is communicated from the field to outposts or command centres.

In response to the continued move towards real-time, high-bandwidth and open networks, RelyUm Rugged has developed its COTS switch router product line, which combines the most highly available, low-latency networking technology with time server, edge computing and firewall capabilities in a single device.



The MIL-SSR and MIL-10SSR series are military-certified secure routers that take full advantage of SOC-E’s advanced and well-known networking technology to ensure secure, reliable and high-available communications in the most demanding battlefield environments for land, air and sea platforms.

The switching electronics are implemented in a high-performance FPGA, allowing the devices to be fully customized to each customer’s specific requirements. This MOTS approach, based on a field-proven COTS solution to minimize project risk, results in a SWaP interoperable all-in-one device, that combines advanced routing, firewall and VPN capabilities, with time server and edge computing features in a single hardware platform.

With fully customisable external network connectivity and a lightweight and compact MIL-STD-810G certified chassis, the MIL-SSR/MIL-10SSR series can adapt to almost any situation and meet the requirements of the harshest military programmes.



The Time Server functionality is a requirement in all the critical systems, and particularly in aerospace and defence ones. In addition, the complexity of modern systems and the fast evolution of synchronization technologies add a new variant: the need of time bridging capabilities to share the time reference between different protocol-based equipment and different time domains.

RelyUm Rugged offers COTS multiport and multimedia Time Servers with clock Master, Slave, Boundary and Bridging capabilities, responding to the above-mentioned needs.



In a context where proximity is an important asset, SOC-E takes into consideration the added value provided by its partners, not only in terms of support, but also through its expertise in integration and qualification of rugged solutions.

With this in mind, SOC-E offers the OEM version of RelyUm Rugged products. This solution, resulting from the removal of the enclosure and power supply from COTS equipment, is intended to facilitate the launch of new products of high technological value by local integrators with the ability to design ruggedised systems that comply with environmental and EMI/EMC certifications.

The OEM version of Relyum Rugged products benefits from the same advantages as the end equipment:

  • Maximum flexibility in configuration and type of available ports.
  • Maximum flexibility in the number of images (firmware) available for the same platform, thanks to the FPGA-based design.

This M-COTS approach, that allows physical and logical modifications over COTS equipment, combines a hardware platform designed and pre-qualified to the most demanding military standards on the market with fully functional and tested firmware.

This strategy allows our partners to release new tailored products with an extremely short time-to-market.



The XMC series are military-certified switch routers in XMC format that take full advantage of SOC-E’s technology to deliver both performance and availability improvements over traditional networks.

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